About the Author





peach flower

♥ I've always had a love of reading. As a kid, the library was a magical place, filled with adventures waiting to be discovered. It had the power to keep me entertained for hours. My parents were thrilled.

My love of reading soon became a love of writing. I had notebooks filled with my stories, funny poems, and random musings. In college I took creative writing courses, and they were among my favorite...as long as I didn't take them seriously. You know, just writing for fun, no pressure to be exceptional. Serious writing took risk. Being a serious writer meant I'd have to accept criticism. And rejection. Worst of all,  serious writing could lead to the F-word.  FAILURE. Yeah, no thank you. I got a sensible  degree. 

I've grown up a bit since my college days, and I've learned a lot along the way. For instance, did you know that Failure will happen no matter how hard you try to avoid it? It's true! And get this, those horribly painful experiences? Well, they'll ultimately make you a stronger person. Amazing! 

It's true, risk can lead to failure, but it can also lead to greatness. Letting fear rule your life robs you of your full potential. If you don't bother to try, how will ever know how great you can be?

I've decided to take my own advice. I am going to risk. This website is my writing journey. It is a serious journey. I'm improving my craft, learning everything I can, reaching out for advice and support. My goal is to self-publish and to share a part of myself with the world. Yes, that can be overwhelming. And scary. But I'm willing to try. 

I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. ♥

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